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5 Common Reasons for Getting a Red Light Ticket and How to Avoid Them


Running a red light is not only dangerous but can also be expensive. Red light tickets are one of the most common traffic violations that drivers face, and the consequences can include hefty fines, points on your license, and even higher insurance premiums. Understanding the common reasons for getting a red light ticket can help you avoid these penalties, stay safe on the road, and maintain a clean driving record. In this article, we’ll dive into the top five reasons drivers get red light tickets, explain why they happen, and offer actionable tips on how to avoid them.

Whether you’re a seasoned driver or new to the road, staying informed about red light violations is crucial. Knowing the potential risks and pitfalls associated with red light infractions can prevent unnecessary accidents and tickets. Let’s explore the main causes of red light tickets and how you can stay safe and compliant while driving.

Reason 1: Misjudging the Yellow Light Duration

One of the most common reasons for getting a red light ticket is misjudging the duration of a yellow light. Many drivers mistakenly assume they have more time than they actually do, resulting in them entering the intersection just as the light turns red. This common error leads to a significant number of traffic tickets each year.

Yellow lights are meant to warn drivers that the light is about to turn red, but how long they last varies depending on location, speed limits, and traffic conditions. Some drivers may accelerate when they see a yellow light, thinking they can “beat the red,” but this is risky. Red light cameras are strategically placed to catch drivers who run red lights just a fraction of a second too late.

To avoid this, it’s important to always drive defensively and avoid trying to rush through an intersection. If you see a yellow light, it’s safer to slow down and prepare to stop rather than accelerating. Knowing that yellow lights are not invitations to speed up will help you stay out of trouble and avoid tickets.

Reason 2: Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic violations, and it plays a significant role in red light tickets. With the increasing use of smartphones, infotainment systems, and other in-car distractions, it’s easy to lose focus on the road and miss traffic signals. When a driver is not fully attentive, they might not notice a red light until it’s too late.

Common distractions include texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or even eating while driving. These activities divert your attention from the road, making it more likely that you’ll miss a light change. Red light cameras are specifically designed to capture these types of infractions, and many jurisdictions now rely heavily on camera technology to enforce traffic laws.

To reduce the risk of getting a red light ticket due to distraction, it’s essential to minimize all distractions while driving. Keep your phone out of reach, preset your GPS, and wait until you’re stopped to deal with any non-driving tasks. Staying focused on the road is key to avoiding accidents and traffic tickets.

Reason 3: Speeding Through Intersections

Speeding through intersections is another major contributor to red light tickets. Drivers who are in a hurry or simply unaware of their speed may approach an intersection too fast, causing them to run a red light unintentionally. Speeding reduces your reaction time, making it difficult to stop safely when a light changes from yellow to red.

Intersections are complex areas of the road where pedestrians, other vehicles, and traffic signals converge. Speeding through these zones increases the likelihood of accidents, which is why many cities employ red light cameras at busy intersections to catch drivers who disobey traffic signals.

To avoid a red light violation due to speeding, it’s important to monitor your speed and approach intersections with caution. Reduce your speed as you approach the intersection and be prepared to stop if the light changes. Following the speed limit not only keeps you safe but also helps you avoid tickets that could increase your insurance rates.

Reason 4: Rolling Through Right Turns on Red

Many drivers assume that they are allowed to make a right turn on red without coming to a complete stop. However, failing to stop completely before making a right turn at a red light is a frequent cause of red light tickets. While most areas allow right turns on red after stopping, many drivers do a “rolling stop,” which is both illegal and dangerous.

Red light cameras are often installed at intersections where right turns on red are allowed, specifically to catch drivers who don’t stop fully. This violation is treated the same as running a red light and can result in fines and points on your driving record.

To avoid getting a red light ticket for rolling through a right turn, always come to a complete stop at the intersection. Check for any “No Turn on Red” signs, and only proceed if the way is clear. Taking a few extra seconds to stop can save you from hefty fines and ensure the safety of other road users.

Reason 5: Following Another Car Through the Intersection

Tailgating or following another vehicle too closely through an intersection is another frequent reason for receiving a red light ticket. Drivers may follow the car in front of them through the intersection without paying attention to the light, assuming that if the first car made it through, they can too. Unfortunately, this can result in running a red light, especially if the light changes mid-intersection.

When drivers follow too closely, they often don’t have enough time to react if the light turns red, and they may end up violating traffic laws. Red light cameras are designed to photograph each vehicle individually, meaning that even if the car in front of you passes through, you can still be ticketed for running the red light.

To avoid this situation, it’s crucial to maintain a safe following distance and pay close attention to the traffic signals yourself. Don’t rely on the actions of the car in front of you. Instead, always make sure that you have enough time and space to stop if necessary.

How to Avoid Red Light Tickets

Now that we’ve discussed the five common reasons for getting a red light ticket, it’s time to focus on how to avoid them. Here are some tips to help you steer clear of these costly violations:

  • Be cautious at intersections: Always reduce speed when approaching an intersection, and be prepared to stop if the light turns yellow.
  • Stay focused on the road: Avoid distractions like texting, phone calls, or adjusting in-car settings while driving.
  • Come to a complete stop: Whether you’re turning right on red or approaching a red light, always come to a full stop before proceeding.
  • Maintain a safe following distance: Don’t tailgate the car in front of you through intersections. Allow enough space to react to changing traffic lights.

Additionally, it’s helpful to understand the cost of red light violations and their impact on your insurance. Most red light tickets come with substantial fines, and repeated offenses can lead to increased insurance premiums. Aaxel Insurance, for example, can help you navigate insurance challenges if you’re dealing with the consequences of a red light ticket.

Red Light Ticket Fines and Penalties by State

State Fine for First Offense License Points Insurance Impact
California $490 1 point Likely increases rates
Texas $75 – $100 No points (Camera) Possible rate increase
Florida $158 No points (Camera) Likely increases rates
New York $50 – $100 2 points Can increase rates
Illinois $100 No points (Camera) Likely increases rates

The fines and penalties for running a red light vary by state, but in many cases, drivers will face both financial penalties and the possibility of points on their driving record. Additionally, having a red light ticket on your record can increase your insurance premiums.


Understanding the common reasons for getting a red light ticket is essential for avoiding them in the future. Misjudging yellow lights, driving distracted, speeding, rolling through right turns, and tailgating through intersections are all behaviors that can lead to expensive and preventable traffic violations. By staying focused, obeying traffic laws, and driving defensively, you can avoid costly tickets and maintain a clean driving record.

Remember, red light tickets don’t just affect your wallet; they can also impact your car insurance premiums. Companies like Aaxel Insurance can help you manage the fallout from traffic tickets, but prevention is always the best strategy. Drive carefully, stay aware, and avoid the common pitfalls that lead to red light violations.

Disclaimer: All information in this site is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. Information is for awareness purpose only and you should speak to a licensed insurance broker for specific and relevanbt answers.

Aaxel Insurance
Aaxel Insurance
Aaxel Insurance deliver best-in-class insurance solutions backed by excellent customer service. We have locations across Ontario and Alberta and proudly serving thousands of customers.

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